Alive In San Francisco

By Alan Rosenberg
Regular price $8.00

About the Book

Chronicling his experiences while living in San Francisco, Alan Rosenberg writes from the perspective of one who has seen the city go through many changes. Written with an obvious admiration for his home city, Alan uses autobiographical details to convey the adaptation to technology and societal shifts that have taken place during his lifetime. Details of his travels and the volunteer work he has done with those looking to start businesses depict the full and rich life he has led.

An advocate for making not just his city but also the whole country a better place, he has written many letters to various government officials and includes them here. Through this autobiographical account, Alan demonstrates knowledge acquired through experience and gives us insight into his desire to improve the world in which we live.

About the Author

A native of San Francisco, Alan Rosenberg has lived there for eighty-seven years, making it an appropriate subject for his book. He graduated from San Francisco Junior College and is the owner of a building materials business. He is married to Sylvia Barbara Rosenberg, and they have three children, Susan, Michael, and Barry. In addition to volunteering for various groups including SCORE, Alan enjoys playing golf and basketball and traveling. His previous published work includes Is Small Business for You?

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Published: 2009
Page Count: 32