The Eternal Purpose Of God

By Walter Rachinski
Regular price $25.00

About the Book

The Eternal Purpose of God takes the reader on a sweeping panoramic journey to examine biblical concepts of faith, compared to some of the popular beliefs embraced in the twenty-first century. Walter Rachinski juxtaposes personal observation with scriptural interpretation toward constructing a faith that applies to contemporary challenges. The result is a carefully researched exegesis of the Scriptures that is enlightening, inspiring, and thought-provoking. It will strengthen your faith and increase your understanding of the remarkable harmony of Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. Rachinski does not seek to promote a new approach to biblical interpretation or oppose some of the prevailing beliefs of our time; rather, he invites the reader to examine beliefs in the full context of Gods purpose for redeemed humanity. Specific components centering especially on matters of doctrine and history are outlined. Church dogma and existing boxes in eschatological beliefs are preempted through "Scripture interpreting Scripture" to chart the progression of all events related to the eternal purpose of God.

About the Author

Walter Rachinski is known as a student of the Scriptures with an insightful theological mind. He is an alumnus of Western Pentecostal Bible College, Canada; Central Bible College, Springfield, Missouri; and Denver Seminary (Conservative Baptist), Denver, Colorado. Born and raised in Canada, he became a U.S. citizen in 1954, with over fifty years of residence to pursue evangelistic and pastoral ministry. He continues his interdenominational Bible seminars in churches and other religious gatherings. He and his wife now reside in Vancouver, Canada.

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Published: 2004
Page Count: 424