A Mystery Illness: My Experience Coping With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

By Sylvia Hodin
Regular price $18.00

About the Book

It can happen literally overnight. Sylvia Hodin went to sleep one December night a seemingly healthy sixty-five-year-old woman and awoke the next day unable to move. At first she thought she had suffered a stroke; Sylvia then realized that she had slept through twelve hours and had awakened with flu-like symptoms, barely able to move.

An R.N. by profession, she recounts the plethora of symptoms she experienced, her diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome, and the various remedies she employed to ease the pain and discomfort she was experiencing. While there is no cure for the Yuppie Disease, she hopes that by bringing attention to it, research will continue and one might someday become reality.

About the Author

Sylvia Hodin is a retired R.N. residing with her husband, John, in Orange, CT, and is the mother of two daughters and a son. Born in Brooklyn, NY, she graduated from Commerce High School in Worcester, MA, and completed her R.N. training at a prestigious hospital.

Although doing better now, she still has symptoms of this syndrome. Nevertheless, she enjoys reading, history, and traveling.

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Published: 2011
Page Count: 30