This Sugar Is Coated With Quinine!

By Charles Tochi Ebereonwu
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About the Book

During his own fruitful marriage, Charles Ebereonwu has witnessed the tumultuous stories of many peoples marital upheavals and the alarming rate at which families break up, resulting in the disasters of stressed single parents and distraught children caught between opposing forces.

In This Sugar Is Coated with Quinine! Mr. Ebereonwu explores the tribulations of Ken and Helen, a couple whose marriage is in dire trouble, only to come to the conclusion that with sacrifice, tolerance, and perseverance, every marital problem eventually expires, leaving the couples the best of friends. Marriage, Mr. Ebereonwu asserts, like any other worthwhile human endeavor, comes with challenges that need to be confronted with a positive attitude. He compares giving up and quitting to a student who drops out of school because some courses are difficult and their lecturers hard to please. The key to marital success, as Mr. Ebereonwu demonstrates, through Ken and Helens story (a story stunningly similar to that of their near relatives), lies in the partners mutual commitment to their bondmost especially when children are involved.

About the Author

Charles Tochi Ebereonwu is a university-trained accountant who has had a longtime interest in marital dynamics. He is a native and current resident of Nigeria, where he resides with his wife and four children. In his leisure time, Mr. Ebereonwu enjoys reading, thinking, and writing. His previous works include a novel, Lost Laurel, and two anthologies of poetry, Burdens of Solitude and Beyond the Storm.

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Published: 2009
Page Count: 96