Hunting The Comeback Trail: Revised

By Bill Padilla
Regular price $15.00

About the Book

Roys lack of depth perception caused him to stumble several times while negotiating deadfalls....When Roy twisted his ankle on one of those logjams, he thought it safer to stay along the road. Roys patience had grown as would that of any man whos survived serious injury. He waited and when shadows started to get long that evening, he spotted his first bear.... Hunting the Comeback Trail is an inspiring historical documentary on a group of disabled and health-conflicted huntersJim, Roy, Pat, Jerry, Ken, and Bill (author William Padilla)who, since being impaired in the seventies and early eighties, transcended adversity to stay active in their favorite sport. Padilla succeeds in recreating the drama, excitement, and triumph of these men as they are on the hunt. As he explains the adjustments and accommodations made for these hunters, readers realize the determination of these men who refused to let disability interfere with their passion. Padilla describes hunting as a release from the limited world these men have adjusted to and urges other disabled persons to keep spirited and stay active. He concludes by listing organizations across the country that aid disabled hunters.

About the Author

Through his own experience with disability, avid hunter Bill Padilla recognized the rehabilitating effect hunting can have on an individual. With this in mind, he chose to write Hunting the Comeback Trail to reveal his inspiring stories and those of five other men suffering from health problems who have all experienced the healing effect of hunting. Padilla is a Wyoming native who is retired and living in his hometown of Cheyenne. He has been a member of the Foundation for North American Wild Sheep, Safari Club International, Disabled American Veterans, and Ducks Unlimited. Padilla has two children, Antonio and Teresa.

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Published: 2008
Page Count: 156